Seizan-Fukakusa school of the Jodo Sect (浄土宗西山深草派)

Seizan-Fukakusa school of the Jodo Sect is one school of the Jodo Sect, whose head temple is the Seigan-ji Temple in Nakagyo Ward, Kyoto City.

Principal image of Buddha
Amida Nyorai (Amitabha Tathagata)

The Dependent Sutra
The Jodo Sanbu-kyo (the three main sutras of the Pure Land sect)

It began since Enku (1213 - 1284), a disciple of Seizan Shonin Shoku, built the Shinshu-in Temple at Fukakusa in Kyoto. In the Meiji period, it was integrated with the Jodo Sect (Chinzei school), but spun off later. During the World War II, it was integrated with the Nishiyama school, but it has been independent from the postwar period to present.

The Head Temple
Seigan-ji Temple (453 Sakurano-cho, Nakagyo Ward, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture)

[Original Japanese]